Charity Shop Vintage Finds, Granny Chic, Sewing and Baking with Giddy Aunt Lola

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Autumn and Aga Love

Autumn and Aga Love
Today, a nice man from my local heating company is coming to service my Aga and turn her on (dirty boy!)  My current husband turns her off in May, partly because she is is a greedy gas guzzler and partly because the kitchen gets hotter than Satan's armpit in the Summer.  Luckily, I have another oven I can use during the time that Agatha is in hibernation but I can't wait for the day that she is brought back to life again in the Autumn.

She may not be economical to run but the pleasure she brings to the family makes her worth her weight in gold.  She is cornflower blue and a tad grubby, but what a magnificent multitasker she is.   I love cooking with an Aga; the fact that the oven is ready and raring to go at a moments notice means that cooked breakfasts are not a chore and slow cooking in the lower oven is a dream.  You want sausages for breakfast your Lordship?  Then by golly, you shall have them!

Her other talents are...
Clothes dryer - I can bung all our pants and socks on the back of the Aga to dry and dry off all the larger items that won't get properly dry outside at this time of year.  Towels and sheets dry easily if hung over the front rail and I like to warm my girls pj's before they put them on at bedtime. 

House heater - She bathes the kitchen and living room in heat during the cold winter months and we tend to live in these two rooms when it gets nippy. 

Dog warmer - Miss Looloo adores the Aga even more than food and would sleep inside it if it were not detrimental to her health.  Her bed sits in front of the Aga and there she stays until it gets turned off in the spring; super useful (and a bit wiffy) for drying wet dogs after a walk in the woods too.

There is a never ending list of her virtues and I could wax lyrical for the rest of my life about how happy her presence in my kitchen makes me.  Current husband will have a little grumble about how expensive she is to run but then sit with his bottom perched on her and think about the sausages that I will cook for his breakfast at the weekend.

NEWS FLASH FROM SAUCY TOWERS!.... The gas burner has 'gone' on Agatha and has been taken away for repair.  Spare parts are no longer available, so fingers crossed that the wonderful gas engineer can revive her.  Black arm bands are on and prayers are being said across the county for her safe return to health.


PS: Don't you just love the multi coloured corn on the cob spotted at my local farm shop?



  1. I hope your Agatha was able to be repaired! Cute and funny blog post (and Agatha is adorable!).


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