Charity Shop Vintage Finds, Granny Chic, Sewing and Baking with Giddy Aunt Lola

Monday, 11 July 2016

Baking with Fred and a Reversible Toddler Apron

Remember my Chalkboard fabric bunting post a few weeks ago?  Well, as promised I have another make using the super chalkboard fabric; a reversible toddler apron!  One side of the apron is the amazing chalkboard fabric and the other side is a regular strong cotton fabric.  I had the most adorable model in the form of young Fred who looks really cute in his apron, minus his trousers but still wearing his black socks!  Clearly gets his fashion sense from his father...

The great thing about this apron is that the chalkboard side can easily be wiped down. I  like the idea that the chalkboard fabric side could be used for messy play activities and the reverse cotton side could be used for meal times.

There is the added bonus that your small person can write/scribble/decorate the chalkboard fabric side for added fun. 

Don't you just love Freds' little cooker?! So, so cute.  I think there may have been some scoffing of the cake mix and icing going on here but I love the look of concentration on his face whilst he's mixing.  Also, love the little black doggie helper, just waiting for a dollop of something to fall on the floor.

It was fairly easy to sew with, as before, but the difficult part is turning the apron through from wrong sides to right sides out.  |It needs a bit of force to pull it through and you need to be careful not to rip your stitching, but it seems to manage being man handled.  As long as you iron the cotton fabric side of the apron, you will get rid of any creases in the chalkboard fabric side. Don't iron on the chalkboard fabric directly, that would be a mistake-a-to-make-a.

Now I can't promise that it will survive everything that your small person throws at it without staining. If it's just a bit of food and dribble then I'm sure it will clean up well, but paint and glue might need a bit more of a scrub.  But that's no different from any other kids craft apron in my experience and I think this stuff is pretty tough.   

Thanks to Fred for being such a great model; I think he was paid in cupcakes! I'll try to show you how I made the reversible apron in a later post as I just wanted to focus on the lovely Fred for now.

Happy Monday!
TTFN. Galx

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Creative Mondays

Crafting is my therapy

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  1. Replies
    1. I know, he is adorable, but I am biased :)

  2. Fred is the perfect model, I hope he enjoyed being paid in cupcakes...think most toddlers would. What a great use for the chalkboard fabric. Children could get really creative drawing on themselves (is that the sound of parents gasping?!)...messy play isn't called that for nothing! Thank you for linking up to #craftingismytherapy

  3. That is just gorgeous! Love to see another use for the chalkboard fabric. He has a lovely little toy kitchen, my daughter has one and it's always been one of her favourite toys, she still plays with it loads. Thank you for linking up to #craftingismytherapy!

  4. What a fab idea, it's great that you've made an apron Fred can doodle on. Chalkboard fabric sounds brilliant, there's so much you could do with it. #ShareTheJoy.


Hi, thanks for taking the time to comment. GAL x

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