Charity Shop Vintage Finds, Granny Chic, Sewing and Baking with Giddy Aunt Lola

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Making Dog Bandanas

So, I was trying to think what I could make to sell at Curly Girls school fete; something quick and easy that would make some funds for her school PTFA.

My current husband came up with the highly sensible suggestion of dog bandanas.  It's very easy to find free templates for dog bandanas and I started out with this one from Stitch Craft Create. It says to increase it by 200% but this seemed super big, like it would fit a horse. Anyway, there is just one pattern piece and you thread the lead through the top of the bandana, so no fiddly wrestling with your hound whilst you try to tie it.

I think it's fairly straight forward to resize according to the size of your dog (extra large for Mr Wilf and medium for Miss Looloo).  

And then I started searching Pinterest and found some adorable images for dog bandanas.  I love the tweedy country look of the little sausage dog bandana with the bone.

Of course they don't need bandanas but I know that whenever I see a dog in a bandana it makes me happy.

So, I have started making a few bandanas in different sizes, from a tiny Chihuahua sized bandana in pug dog fabric to a gorgeous Mr Wilf sized bandana in John Deere tractor fabric.  Actually, he could do with a bigger one as he is a huge chap.  He's very bashful and feels embarrassed if I try to take photo's of him, but we tried.  I wanted him to look like the lovely dog in the Pinterest photo above but this is what he actually looked like, all scruffy face fur and some yucky grolly hanging from his beard. Such a mucky pup but we love him.

  Miss Looloo is just plain skitty and behaved like I was trying to give her a worming tablet when I tried to get her to model for me.

Ok, last one from Pinterest; aw, look at the naughty or nice Christmas Pugs!!!  So cute.

I'll leave you with the pug dog fabric bandana and here's hoping that someone with a little pug will buy it at the school fete.

Hope you have a waggy tail weekend.



  1. Awww, what a cute idea! I agree, dogs do look cute in a bandana �� Hope you manage to sell loads at the school fete! Thank you for linking up with #craftingismytherapy

    1. I only wish I could get my own dogs to wear them :)

  2. What a lovely idea, they look gorgeous! Thanks for linking up to #craftingismytherapy

  3. Hello! Just to let you know, you're the winner of June's Crafting is my Therapy giveaway 😊 I sent you a tweet, but not sure if you're on Twitter much. Please could you email me your address and we can get your prize of 2 colouring books sent out to you. My email is: n.mesham{at} thanks!


Hi, thanks for taking the time to comment. GAL x

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