Charity Shop Vintage Finds, Granny Chic, Sewing and Baking with Giddy Aunt Lola

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Breakfast at Juliets

Scrummy Sunday
Oooh, look at this photo of my breakfast this morning; looks good doesn't it?  Actually, it was fabulous; Eggs Benedict with Speck served at Juliets in Tunbridge Wells and it was delicious.  Lorks, I love this place so much; the décor, the food, the cakes, the coffee, the vintage china, the service and in fact every jolly thing about it.

It has that relaxed, mismatched vintage china and chairs thing going on and lovely exposed brick walls.  I feel completely at ease here and not one single thing displeases me.  If I ran a place then it would be just like this.

Curly girly had some perfect pancakes with Golden Syrup and my current husband enjoyed a chunky monkey of a bacon sarnie and a Bloody Mary.

Really, anywhere that offers champagne for breakfast is going to be top of my list for breakfast destinations.  It's not pretentious or posh at Juliets but it is special.

Oh, and don't get me started on the lully vintage china and huge fat cakes!  I am so going to visit one day for afternoon tea; who wants to come with me?!  If ever you are in the area then go visit Juliets, it's lush!

'Nuff said.  Galx



  1. LOVE Juliet's!! So much that I insisted that the boyf bake me a lemon feather cake for my birthday.!/
    Can you imagine a more perfect day than poking around TWells' charity shops, punctuated by a stop off at Juliet's? Nope. Me neither! x

    1. Sounds like a perfect day Ms Spud! I am so going to make that lemon feather cake - thanks for the heads up :) x

  2. What a cute place! I wish I could join you for afternoon tea ;)

    1. Would love you to come for tea if ever you hop over the pond :)

  3. Hey there, loved your blog, just followed you on GFC, (34) would you mind to follow back?

    MandySharesLife FACEBOOK PAGE

  4. Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award :) You're doing a fantastic job! Here is a link to all of the instructions:

    Amy x

    1. Thank you Amy! Will hop on over and follow instructions :) GALx


Hi, thanks for taking the time to comment. GAL x

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