Charity Shop Vintage Finds, Granny Chic, Sewing and Baking with Giddy Aunt Lola

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Savoury Scones

Sunday Afternoon Tease

Afternoon tea isn't all about cake, you know.  These Cheddar Cheese and Onion Chutney Scones would go down a treat halved and spread with a thick lick of butter.

Curly girly was in the mood for baking this morning, which of course was a blessing and not in the least bit stressful!  When you bake with children, you have to be prepared for things not turning out as perfectly as you might like.  They tend to be a little heavy handed and overwork pastry, but in this instance, it didn't matter too much as the scones were scrummy.   

Rather than rub the butter into the flour by hand, we used the Magimix, which Curly Girly loves.  She likes to press the pulse button and whizz the flour and butter into breadcrumbs.  I'm not very good at pastry, so I usually make it in the Magimix; is that cheating?!  

I used a recipe from Jo Wheatley's book, A Passion for Baking but you could try using any cheese scone recipe and adding a tablespoon of onion chutney to the mix.  I posted all about Jo's website and books a while back; I'm a big fan and although Mary Berry is still Queen of Cake, Jo could certainly give her a run for her money.   Jo won the Great British Bake Off  in 2011 and I can't wait for this year's competition to start on Tuesday!!!  You can keep Masterchef and the X-factor, this is the highlight of my television viewing year.  

The scones were a little irregular in shape, but tasted delicious; the onion chutney adds a lovely depth of flavour to them.  Now for the thorny issue of how to pronounce the word, scone; in my humble view the correct was is to pronounce it 'skon' to rhyme with gone.  How about you?  

I am off to work myself into fever pitch in preparation for the GBBO this Tuesday, woohoooooo!!!

TTFN.  Galx


  1. I'm with you - rhymes with gone SIL x

  2. 'Scone' definitely rhymes with 'gone'. I think pronouncing it to rhyme with 'cone' makes people sound like comedy scoucers..! ;-P

  3. They look amazing! I can't wait for great British bake off either!!! Eeeeep!! Xx

  4. Thanks for agreeing with me ladies and here we come GBBO!!!

  5. Oh dear, I say scone, to rhyme with cone, in my broad Yorkshire accent lol :)

    1. Thankfully the current government hasn't passed a law on how we pronounce scone, and we are free to say it however we like! Especially with a lovely broad Yorkshire accent ;)x


Hi, thanks for taking the time to comment. GAL x

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